Say Yes

How is everyone doing?

My long absence from the blog has not escaped me. Trust me.

If I could, I would clone myself

( several times over) and accomplish everything & do it all quite well. 😇

In the midst of my writing, I am also creating a new business.

These things take time & patience. 2 things I consistently feel is in short supply.

Some creative projects have hit a few snags here & there. One minute it’s, YAY & the next it’s Booooo.

Welcome to showbiz! 😎

But I’m a perfectionist & I want things done right.

I hope everyone is doing well, staying positive & staying focused.

Life will throw detours your way. It’s unavoidable.

I tend to overthink everything, because I’m a planner & not a fan of detours.

I’m learning to say, “Yes” & see where the journey takes me.

Give it a try.

I mean, it’s Friday the 13th, what do you have to lose? 😉

Stay Tuned.

“ACTING…It’s Not For Sissies”

eBook & Paperback on AMAZON

BOOK#1 1